Sometimes the idea of dating can appear daunting, especially if you haven't been on the scene for a while. Maybe after the breakup of a long relationship or even if your career has meant that you haven't been able to focus on getting to meet new people, finding yourself faced with the task of sifting through internet dating website profiles or attending meet ups can be an arduous and, to some, terrifying task. But it doesn't have to be. You can do the dating scene on your own terms; no going to speed dating in loud pubs, no signing up for expensive websites that promise to find your soul mate! To be fair, these can be excellent places to meet people or at least a good way to test the water and check the scene, but it's good to be aware of what else you can do other than the standard approaches, especially if you feel that maybe you won't be comfortable in such scenarios. It's often worth remembering that love or companionship often comes when you're least expecting it, or even when you're not looking. To this end sometimes just going and enjoying your life can lead to unexpected encounters. What follows are some alternative dating ideas which may lead to meeting that man/woman of your dreams! 1. What are your hobbies? For example, do you enjoy walks in the country or going to the gym? Do you enjoy painting or movies? There are plenty of groups where like-minded people gather to do their hobbies together. From rambling or jogging clubs to still life classes or book groups and you may be surprised how many are singles looking to do the same as you... Look in your local newspaper or on a local internet forum for your town. 2. Learn something new! Have you always meant to learn Spanish or Italian? Maybe you've been meaning to do a martial art or yoga for years now and never got around to it... It is never to late to learn something new and even if you don't necessarily meet someone in your class you may find that this new hobby leads to situations where you meet new people or have things in common with others that you didn't before. Dance classes for example are common everywhere, from big cities to small villages - maybe sign up to learn salsa or swing dancing. You will at least get up close and personal with a good assortment of people and there can be nothing like going into the deep end sometimes! 3. Catch up with old friends, or see more of your close friends. A huge proportion of people meet partners through mutual friends. Just being more sociable and hanging out with your friends can lead to unexpected opportunities. It's human nature that we sometimes drift apart from people we were once close to, with children, careers and relationships often putting strain on maintaining close friendships - but this doesn't mean a little effort won't be rewarding. Catch up with a few old friends, maybe they'll bring someone along, maybe you'll be invited out next time? Who knows what could happen! They might even know someone else who is in the same position as you. 4. Change your life! OK, maybe this one is a bit drastic but have you been meaning to change jobs, move house or go travelling? Sometimes you need to be brave and take a big step into the unknown and from that can come any number of new variables. Changing jobs can be stressful but rewarding, especially if you've been meaning to do it for a while, bringing a whole new group of people to get to know and a new lease of life as you get used to new surroundings. Travelling is one of those 'once in a lifetime' experiences that people often dream about but maybe shun thinking they're too old or that they would be too scared or unable to go it alone. But travelling is probably one of the most sure fire ways to meet new people - everyone is in the same boat, often visiting unfamiliar pastures with little or no knowledge of the local tongue - this is when it is easiest to meet new people. Even if it's only for a few weeks you never know who you might meet or where you might end up. 5. Change your life on a smaller scale! Maybe we can't all do anything too drastic for whatever reason but you can still make changes in your life which could have a knock on effect. Try to change your local haunts - try a different pub or bar, go to the theater instead of the cinema, go check out some live music in a different town. Going to the gym can also be an excellent way to meet people, so if you've got membership that your barely use then make the most of it! 6. Be bold! Have you ever been out, maybe on the bus or in the supermarket, and you've locked eyes with someone and felt that spark? You probably didn't say anything right? Well, maybe next time just try a simple 'Hello', maybe even be cheeky and start up some conversation, ask a question, even drop in a compliment about their shoes... Anything! This can seem daunting, especially if you're the shy type, but what have you got to lose? The worst that can happen is they would ignore you, but maybe they'll respond back in kind? In our modern age there are so many ways to meet people, probably more than ever before, that it can seem confusing. Internet dating is booming and there is no doubt that it is an effective tool with many success stories, but sometimes we need an alternative. Dating is different for everyone and one persons nightclub can be another persons hell. But no matter your age or background there is someone out there for everybody. Sometimes we need to shed our personal inhibitions and fears, or our prerequisites for a partner and then just go and live our lives. If you're happy and enjoying yourself often opportunity presents itself, so not worrying about finding a partner is often the best way to find the right partner. Alongside this trying some of these unconventional and alternative dating methods can lead to some unexpected results. Just remember: If you're still alive it's never too late to start something new... |