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I believe that in a relationship, there are many things that should take place. First, communication should be completely open to all topics, completely honest with no imbarressment, never afraid to ask any question or the judgement of the answer. Second, there never should have any mental, emotional, or physical abuse no mater what the reason... do not tolerate any. Third, there should always be must have very slow, very gentle sexual intimacy and it must take place very often.....the sexual contact in a relationship MUST be mutual and it MUST be a priority between both partners. Fourth, there must be no deceit, lying, cheating of any kind...this should not be tolerated. If you’re wondering if your partner will get mad at something concerning the opposite sex and you don’t want to tell your partner, then that would be cheating....just because you don’t have sex with someone else doesn’t mean you haven’t cheated....If you don’t want your partner to know about it then don’t do it!!!!! Fifth, the woman should give herself to her man, without question and with full trust....her love, mind, all of her body, and her every thought.....even her life she must place in his hands. And lastly, Sixth........the man.....He is to use every fiber of his being to support her, guard her, protect her, love her......use his mind to understand, his heart to open for her to have a place to hide, his strength to defend even her honor.....and his will to even die for her to be safe............ These are the six rules of a relationship that must be met for it to last............Both partners must follow these rules or it will be lost.....By ignoreing even the smallest detail of these rules, not only have we created a barrier between that may never be broken but we have cheated our partner and ourself out of the most incredible level of intimacy that is beyound dreams!!! I wonder, do we even know what happiness is? We spend so much time exsisting that we forget how to live........ Do you know what REAL LOVE is? Love, eros, ellios.........these are the soul of mankind, the desires of life and the substance of eternity. We give our life for just a small taste of this...... We are looking for the one that deserves this gift. The one that wants to be jealously guarded, defended, and protected.....the one that would be our every breath, our every thought, our every desire.....and the one that deserves to give our life for. Every human male wants to believe that they are men....they are not. A man will stop at nothing to support and jealously protect and defend what is his. And the true woman may not understand, but she will accept this for love................. | |||
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